Who wants to be a millionaire ….

‘I’m guessing not you. And it’s not why you want to be a birth worker any way. You’re a heart centred individual with a passion for supporting birthing people.

Then again we live in a capitalist society and we need to earn to live and support our families. Never has that seemed more important than now in a time of “financial crisis” when we’re seeing the cost of living rise dramatically and people feeling incredibly uncertain about what the future holds.

The insecurity of self employment as a birth worker seems like a huge and terrifying step - and perhaps something that’s holding you back from pursuing your dream to become a doula or birth keeper?

I’m not here to tell you its all going to be fine and just go for it - “charge your worth” - and watch the clients roll in! Having been a birth keeper for the past 10 years I can tell you in absolute certainty this is not how you’re going to find clients and create a steady stream of income.

But you’re not a passive participant when it comes to building your career in birth work. You’re an active individual. You have passion and drive and that’s the first and most important step.

So what can you do - what will it look like being a self employed doula?

Flipping scary sometimes - thats the truth! You will never know where your next client is coming from. But you can take active steps to create momentum. Ask any business or life coach and they will talk about momentum (Tony Robbins favourite topic!)

Create momentum … take active steps towards your goal …. every single day.

So how to go about this?

Step 1 - Figure out who you want to work with and why - they’re your audience - the people you need to reach through the action you take!

Step 2 - Find out where they socialise, what media they consume, etc (chances are they’re you 5/10 years ago - so think back )

Step 3 - Work out what they need - again chances are they were you a few years back - so what did you need?

Step 4 - Create a service that would be truly useful to them - not just an identikit offering that every other birth worker offers. Get comfy with your price.

Step 5 - Talk about your offering and services with everyone who’ll listen. Yes thats in person - speak to local practitioners who work in fields complimentary to those you offer. Network with other birth workers. Hang out where your ideal clients would hang out (in person and online).

Step 6 - Get social media savvy - your clients probably get 99% of their information through social media and google.

Step 7 - Work on your mindset and energy. Yes truly - I know it sounds newfangled but if the intention behind every encounter and social media post and marketing you do is “Oh god I need to earn xyz” or “No one will ever hire me” or “There are so many doulas and I’m just a newbie” then no one will hire you - period!

Step 8 - Celebrate every single win, big and small and build on that momentum!

The truth is never has there been a better time to be in birth work! People know what doulas are - birth keepers may be not quite so deeply embedded in the public consciousness yet - but just you wait! People in the UK are more open to paying for services relating to their pregnancy and birth, and birth workers have woken up to the fact that birth work does not need to be undervalued “women’s work” any longer,


3 lessons about boundaries


Messing with our birth days