The Benefits of Having a Doula During and After Birth

Doulas have been incredibly popular in recent years, with the rise of information and empowerment surrounding pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. With the increase in online community and social media, more and more women and birthing people are sharing their thoughts, experiences, and advice, giving rise to hypnobirthing, positive birth experiences and a more calm and comfortable birth experience. This blog explores the benefit of having a doula during and after birth.

Experienced Companion

Birthing people have always traditionally been supported by a birth companion, often their partner or a female friend. These partners provide information, advocacy for their needs, birth plan and pain relief, practical support in birthing positions and emotional support. Doulas are trained professionals, who take accountability for these tasks, understand their client and their client’s wants and needs, and guide both the parents and surrounding medical team through the process for safe and comfortable birth. They will be able to understand more than a non-experienced birth companion and likely communicate more effectively with staff.

Improved Outcomes

Many studies have found that the presence of a doula improves outcomes for parents and babies, improving health outcomes, making vaginal delivery more likely, reducing the need for caesarean delivery, reducing need for pain medication, reducing time spent in labour and increasing satisfaction in birth experience. Doula case studies also tend to show increased health and wellbeing in birthing people and baby after birth, with mental health, wellbeing and general care being shown to be improved. This may be due to increased education, information and support for parent and baby as a doula is dedicated to checking on both for wellbeing.

How can I Find a Doula?

Knowing the benefits of a doula are wonderful – but how do you find the right one for you? At The Original Birth Connection, we are passionate about being birth keepers, advocates, and intuitive, confident support for women and birthing people. Our Doula Courses are taught by experts in the field, with decades of experience behind the training, and our doulas are more empowered and prepared as a result. Find out more by visiting our website or see our Doula Directory to find your nearby doula.


Flexible Education for a Rewarding Career:  Explore the Benefits of Online Doula Training!


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